Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Putting a Face on a Number

The economic crisis our country currently faces has been nothing short of devastating. But it's so easy to get bogged down into all the numbers, like the millions of people who have lost their homes or the soaring rates of unemployment. While I was watching President Obama's town hall meeting in Fort Myers, Florida today, one particular instance gripped my heart.
My family has not lost their home. I do not have a job to lose. But I feel as if I'm very aware of the difficulties that people are facing, especially since I'm becoming a job seeker as May 9 grows ever so closer. But I got an even grimmer dose of reality after watching this segment. Take a look:

To see our President show that much sympathy to this struggling woman touched me in a very special way. And to think of all the 37 Republican senators who opposed the stimulus bill makes me cringe with disgust...because they don't mind spending billions upon billions of dollars investing in Iraq. It's way past time that we invest in our own country, and I'm so thankful that we have a President who plans to do just that!

Morning Glories

"Each night when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning when I wake up, I am reborn." Mahatma Ghandi

After an extensive break from blogging, I am picking up the posting a bit more regularly this time around (at least that's my intention). And I'm starting today with a simple quote from one of the most respected people in the our world's history and a personal favorite of mine, Ghandi. This quote above embodies a powerful principle for living an authentic, more fulfilled life.
No matter what we do or what we encounter in a given day, we have the ability to leave it behind and start anew after we close our eyes that night. We are "reborn," given another chance to go out and do be a more productive and effective individual. There will always be moments when we wish for more hours in the day, but how many times do we sit around and waste the hours that we do have?
Tomorrow morning I will recommit myself to continually building the individual that I feel destined to become, and I will attempt to be the best "me" that I can be in every second through each opportunity. What will you do with your "new life?"