I love this chic. She always manages to put a look together that is uniquely authentic yet super fabulous. She wore this stylish black and white dress with the Chanel basket woven boots as she hosted e New Year's Eve event in Miami. Solange easily made my list of top 10 people of 2008. If you haven't listened to her album, Sol-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams, you are missing out. It's completely retro as she takes you back to the Motown girl groups with a little vintage soul with hints of electronica. Although the album drops off a bit halfway through, it still remains a proud edition to my music box. Solange has set out to prove that she is "no sister, I'm just my God given name." Go ahead, Sol :)
Special thanks to theybf.com for the pic!
Special thanks to theybf.com for the pic!
I'm not a fan. LOL.